English. We do offer translation services and will assist you seamlessly until completion.
Yes, Reprints are allowed for request before 3 months of the date stamp on the PCC. The applicant will need to redo fingerprints and reapply once the 3-month validity has expired.
For more information they should contact us directly and we can assist.
We work with an amazing courier company that treats all our Criminal Record Centre collections with great priority. Most certificates are couriered overnight for clients to receive the next morning before 11 AM. Delivery times may differ depending on location.
6 months from date of stamp.
Yes. Should you require a police clearance certificate for presentation in any of the countries associated with the Hague Convention then we can assist with having it apostilled. If you require your police clearance certificate to be authenticated, apostilled, translated, or simply just couriered to a different office, we can assist you from A-Z, without you having to lift a finger.
Normal processing with SAPS can take up to 6-8 weeks. Here at Visa Logistics, we can expedite within 5 working days.
  • Processing at SAPS will take 5 to 7 business days.
  • If you have a prior conviction or criminal background, processing can take 30 working days, or longer.
  • If we collect your application and deliver your completed certificate, 2 days will be added to the length of processing.
  • Courier can be longer depending on where in South Africa / abroad you stay.
  • In extremely urgent cases, we can facilitate certificates within 3 working days at an added fee.
When a person is endorsed as wanted, a certificate will not be issued until the wanted status is removed from the person’s name.
Bad credit record/debt and traffic fines.
If you were found guilty and charged, this offense will be recorded, irrespective of the charge. Minor offenses like drunk and disorderly and shoplifting will also appear if charged, as well as admissions of guilt. If a criminal case was opened and the investigating officer took your warning statement and fingerprints, this pending case will also appear on your clearance certificate.