Umalusi Verification

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Umalusi Verification

Are you looking for your qualification(s) to be evaluated at a credible standard? If so, then Visa Logistics is the perfect answer for you. Umalusi Council sets and monitors standards for general and further education and training in South Africa. It accredits private providers of education and training as well as private assessment bodies to offer tuition and/or assessment for qualification(s) on the General and Further Education and Training Qualifications Sub-Framework (GFETQSF).

How Can We Help You?

Here at Visa Logistics, we enable access to Umalusi Verification, which can verify the following:

  • Independent Schools
  • Private Further Education
  • Training Colleges
  • Private Adult Education
  • Training Providers
  • Private Assessment Figures

The process of Umalusi Verification through Visa Logistics will start off with you providing the documents you want to be verified by Umalusi. Thereafter, we will proceed with sending you a quote for the documents that have been received, followed by a submission of the application. Once the verification of the documents is completed, the documents will be delivered back to you via a courier service.

Why Choose Us?

Unlike other companies similar to Visa Logistics, we can deliver your required documents and verifications in a short time frame, as we provide an expedited service with clear communication throughout our journey with one another and a hassle-free experience for you. This ensures that you have your verified documents in little to no waiting time, we are the best option if you are looking for a quick and efficient verification process.

What is Umalusi?

Umalusi Council sets and monitors standards for general and further education and training in South Africa in accordance with the National Qualifications Framework Act No 67 of 2008 [as amended] and the General and Further Education and Training Quality Assurance Act No 58 of 2001 [as amended].

Umalusi is currently responsible for the certification of the following qualifications:


  • Senior Certificate amended (SCA) – continues as a revised qualification for adults
  • National Senior Certificate (NSC)

TVET Colleges:

  • National Technical Certificate (N3)
  • National Certificate Vocational (NCV)